Competition Electronics ProChrono DLX Ballistic Chronograph
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Introducing the American Made ProChrono DLX Ballistic Chronograph with improved accuracy specs and built-in Bluetooth!
The next generation of our smart WIFI enabled ProChrono model based on a time proven design that has been measuring “almost anything that shoots” since 1985! This highly accurate digital ballistics chronograph with built-in Bluetooth is Made in the USA and great for firearm bullets, shotgun bb's, archery arrows, airgun bb's, and paintballs.
Everything is included for outdoor use with airsoft, paintball and other ballistic speed measurements from 20 to 9999 feet per second. For indoor ballistics velocity measuring chronograph use, we recommend our optional Indoor Lighting System (part# CEI-4100). Requires one 9 volt alkaline battery for operation (not included).
Order your ProChrono DLX Ballistics Chronograph at our online paintball and airsoft gear store at the best possible cheap discount online sales price
with FREE SHIPPING, while supplies last!